Week beginning 11th May 2020

Monday 11th May

Makaton Monday Start off with a Singing Hands song ‘Mr Blue Sky.’ See if you can join in with the Makaton signs. Why don’t you listen to the story ‘Amazing’ and try to learn some new signs. Continue reading

Tuesday 12th May

It’s time to practice your Welsh language skills today. Do you know your colours?? Pa liw? What Colour? View this post on Instagram On the daily diary today we’re looking at learning our colour names in Welsh. Here’s a little taster to get you started.. #activitiestodoathome #weyc #welsh #colours #paliw… Continue reading

Wednesday 13th May

This activity takes a little bit of planning but will keep your children busy for a while 🙂 Items needed: Small toys Water balloons or containers Room in your freezer! Tools to break the ice e.g. spoons / forks Water Balloons – Put the small toys in water balloons, fill… Continue reading

Wednesday 24th June

It’s time to get messy!!! Sensory shaving foam play. Spray some Shaving foam on a tray and let your child explore it with their fingers. You can add to this play by introducing utensils from the kitchen like whisks and spoons. Then you could add some colour paint into your… Continue reading

Thursday 14th May

It’s time for Yoga again today with Cosmic Kids Continue reading

Friday 15th May

We love singing songs on a Friday and playing our musical instruments. Why not try to make some musical instruments at home. All you need are empty tins. Put some pasta, rice or lentils in the tin. Don’t fill it up to the top. Then use a piece of a… Continue reading